Andy's Angle Speculative Spotlight 2.0

A lottery ticket.

Andy's Angle Speculative Spotlight 2.0

While we focus on value stocks the most here at Andy's Angle, yielding stellar returns at a near 100% clip, it's always important to be aware of much stronger market trends and opportunities.

Value names often come short in returns, while our picks usually yield somewhere between 30-100% on average, speculative plays offer more explosive results that cannot be matched.

In our 1.0 piece we highlighted Gannett ($GCI), which has since rallied about 30% from our announcement, and looks to be heading higher as the company begins to succeed in their digital transformation.

This time around we have something much bigger.

Our philosophy when starting this arm of our investment research division was to find riskier investments with potential for outsized returns, but revisiting this we realized that it may be smarter to simply look for future growth trends and find the winners.

Like AI, find something undiscovered with potential for growth and watch how it unfolds.

Investing like this is often difficult because finding "the next big thing" is like looking for a needle in a haystack, fortunately, that is what our research has done, and our 2.0 piece will discuss what we believe could be a potential 1,000%+ play over the long term.