Andy's Angle Investing Portfolio Launch

After exceptional success from our value stock spotlight reports, found here, we have taken the next step to ramp up the utility of our site for readers and have launched our investing portfolio.
Our investing portfolio will contain our current holdings as a company, including our allocations into each of our stock picks, bonds and our cash holdings. This portfolio will aim to serve as a model for our readers to navigate turbulent markets.
While our writing team consists of four total writers, we have named Andy (@da224 on stocktwits and twitter) our head of investment, given his stellar track record of investing returns over the last few years, including a banner 125% 2022, beating markets that dropped over 20% in the same period.
We anticipate giving regular updates on our investments in our weekly segments as we see necessary, and encourage readers to continue commenting their thoughts as well as giving us new stocks to do research on.