Trade Spotlight 4/22

At Andy's Angle we aim to provide our readers the best opportunities to succeed via our inputs on markets.
While our main goal as a publication is to promote value investing and guide our readers through the gauntlet of value investing, we understand that there are many more opportunities available on the market.
With that being said, we are dipping back into a successful segment, "Trade Spotlight".
This segment will be more frequently published than our value stock spotlight segments and will likely feature about two posts per month.
This segment highlights one trade per post that we are liking in the current market, and will be more technical based than our current fundamentals-oriented investing.
These trade spotlights will feature larger companies, often blue chips, that we like from a technical standpoint for either long or short trades. We will include our analysis, various trading strategies, and our thesis for each potential trade that we highlight.
We hope this new segment will not only broaden Andy's Angle's appeal to a larger group of investors, but also hope that it provides a nice supplement to our existing value based investing strategy.
With that being said, here's what readers can expect from Andy's Angle going forward:
- Four total articles per month
- Trade Spotlight 1: First Sunday of the month
- Value Stock Spotlight: Second Sunday of the month
- Trade Spotlight 2: Third Sunday of the month
- Market Commentary: Variable as needed, but ideally last week as a month recap
We hope this layout continues to improve the experience at Andy's Angle for all members and we look forward to providing the best insights and picks for our readers to generate strong returns, something we have proven to have a knack for.
With that said, let's take a look at our pick for April's Trade Spotlight, a faded superstar name, down nearly 90% from its highs, but we think could be ready for a spectacular comeback.